First-to-market fashion tech finds the right support with Arrow

North East fashion innovator looking for technical input

North East fashion innovator looking for technical input

Shop by Shape is the brainchild of entrepreneur Janine Craig. It uses AI technology to give women personalised styling for their individual shape when they shop online.

Seaham, County Durham

ecommerceFashionretailAIdata scienceinformation technologyproduct testing

Their Challenge

A game-changing idea in need of AI technology

Janine knew from experience that finding well-fitting, flattering clothes could feel like an uphill struggle – especially for women over 30. This poor shopping experience doesn’t only cause frustration in customers, but means online retailers endure a returns rate of 30-40%. Janine had already gone a long way in creating the vision but she needed technical expertise in the field of AI technology to turn the idea into reality and start building a prototype to test. The prototype app would allow women to upload photographs of themselves, it would identify their body features and recommend styles to suit. Janine had heard about Arrow through a developer, and so got in touch with the team.

That first conversation with Arrow was a revelation. I hadn’t realised how much help was available from the Universities right on my doorstep. The expertise and brilliant minds at the National Innovation Centre for Data have accelerated my progress in a way I’d never thought possible.
Janine Craig

Shop by Shape Founder

Arrow identified the right support

Arrow identifies the right support

Janine was teamed with Arrow’s Digital Innovation Expert Dr Peter Michalak and they were both determined to make progress at speed. Peter was able to design an Arrow project to move the App forward – and accessing AI and data expertise from Newcastle University’s National Innovation Centre for Data (NICD) was the clear choice.

Dr Peter Michalak

Arrow, Digital Innovation Expert

Working together for real results – Arrow’s solution for success

The team had begun looking at using two different kinds of deep-learning models. But Peter soon recognised that wider support from a multi-disciplined team could be productive. He contacted other colleagues at NICD and two NICD Data Scientists, Dr Jordan Connolly and Dr Mac Misiura were brought on board. After looking at the results the team had made so far, it was Mac who made the breakthrough suggestion. This proved to be a more effective method, delivering success rates of close to 55% on the first trial alone – accuracy far beyond expectations at this early stage.

Propelled by the success of these results, Janine has now been able to build a prototype app and this is currently in testing. Her highly engaged social media followers are uploading their images – under tight security and anonymity – to allow Janine to continue refining her work. The plan is to target small-to-medium size online fashion retailers – a sector that Janine is passionate about supporting. SMEs employ 75% of the workforce and don’t have all the advantages of the big fashion chains, so something that will help them reduce expensive returns is a huge plus. Each return costs retailers and average of £20 – and returned clothes are usually sold at a discount or end up in landfill. Boosting body confidence in women and adding the feel-good factor to online shopping is another major motivator for Janine.

You can try the app here  and your feedback is invaluable

Arrow’s innovation support matches North East businesses with university expertise and facilities across Durham, Newcastle, Northumbria and Sunderland Universities thanks to funding from UK Shared Prosperity Fund through North of Tyne Combined Authority and Durham County Council.  To find out how Arrow can help your business innovate get in touch now.


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